Broadcast services incl. Voice Over, Overdub, Sound Supervision, Sound Design & Editorial, Game Audio, Audio Restoration, DVD Audio Mastering, TV and Radio commercial recordings, Corporate presentations, e-learning. International voice over talent bank.
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Name: Ibadete

ID: 2629

Gender: Female

References: Let There Be Light Productions Hugh Mann Adamson Founder/Producer at LTBL 112 Arundel street Sheffield, S1 2NT 01142999212 | 07763839040

2629 - Ibadete is a Albanian female voice talent

Ibadete is a 41 old Albanian female voice over talent. She has been in VO business for 15 years. Her primary jobs are e-learning, lip-sync and overdub voice overs. Her natural voice type is adult. Her voice is most suitable for e-learning, lip-sync and overdub, but she can easily do numerous voice styles, such as amusing, mature and sensitive as well as calm, magical, sweet and uplifting moods.

Ibadete has been involved and worked in the independent film industry since 2016, as a writer, editor and assistant in filming productions for Let There Be Light. She has access to professional advice and the latest audio recording technology. Ibadete is currently working on establishing an independent language service primarily focused on interpreting and translations building on freelance interpreting since 2015. She is in the process of acquiring OISC recognition for consulting in immigration. She graduated from University of Kent at Canterbury in BSc Anthropology (2015) during which time she was a Higher Education student ambassador throughout her undergraduate and, SEO content writer for Rank Source.Although most of Ibadete`s formal education has been in the UK while growing up in Hertfordshire, she was distinguished for memorising and reciting in her early childhood in Albania through her local school, for which she won several national competitions and featured on National TV with a winning recitation of 'Ku ta gjej daullen gjyshi'. When she started school in the UK she continued to be involved in Drama and Dance but was eventually persuaded to focus on more academic subject

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